Zinnia Flower Name. The distinction between these forms comes from the number of rows of petals and whether or not the center of the flower is visible. Flowers can be daisy-like double cactus-flowered or a formal-looking dahlia-like flower.
Single semidouble or double. A Zinnia is a flower from the aster family - butterflies love them and this is why many people grow this perennial plant in their garden. It is a single-petaled species with round petals and white pink and orange flowers.
Johann Gottfried Zinn a botanist.
Types of Zinnia Flowers. The solitary flower heads are borne at the ends of branches growing at the junction of a bract leaflike structure and the receptacle. Zinnias are native to Mexico where they grow with a color that falls between orange and yellow. Zinnia is also a lovely flower name for girls.