Vinca Flower Toxic. Vomiting diarrhea low blood pressure depression tremors seizures coma death. Hellebores contain glycosides variously named helleborin e helleborein e and helleborigenin e.
This periwinkle plant consists of vinca alkaloids which are sometimes used to prepare medicines for people suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. If your cat consumes a. Toxic to Dogs Toxic to Cats Toxic to Horses.
Hellebores contain glycosides variously named helleborin e helleborein e and helleborigenin e.
Jack-in-the-pulpit east cattle sheep swine rare goats Dieffenbachia spp. Every part of the plant--roots stems leaves and blossoms--causes symptoms if it is ingested. Adam-and-Eve Arum Lord-and. Is the Vinca plant poisonous.