Night Queen Flower Smell. Be sure to choose a species that blooms at night for a night garden - Oenorthera caespitosa or tufted evening primrose bears white fragrant night-blooming flowers and only reaches 6 inches tall. This is also sometimes known as The Honolulu Queen Flower.
It is known for its scent and is quite possibly the strongest scented plant in the world. This flower blooms get wither and fade in a single night. The large tropical looking flower blooms at night and is wilted by the morning.
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02062021 It belongs to the Solanaceae family also known as the nightshade or potato family of plants. It smells kind of soapy when it settles into your skin. 29122017 Night Queen Flower is called or known as Nishi-Padma. 24092014 Evening primrose is a hardy perennial with cup-shaped pink white yellow or purple flowers that smell like honey or lemons.