Lupine Flower Dying. 03082013 Lupine dyeing - Lupinus nootkatensis. Read full answer here.
Hi Hoka and welcome to the forumThe pest you are reffering to on your lupins is called a Lupin AphidHorrid little blighters and I have found the best way to get rid of them is to spray them with Pravado Ultimate Bug Killer which you can get in an Areosol spray can. 26092013 Green fly gather in great quantities on my second flush of blooms and need to be washed off in soapy water or a systemic insecticide used. This will happen a few weeks after flowering all the way up into the autumn.
27122018 After you deadhead a lupine give it good moisture to help the plant put on a strong second show of flowers which usually arrive several weeks later.
Bean yellow mosaic virus Young plants begin to die and flop over in a recognizable candy cane shape. The Alaskan Lupine Lupinus nootkatensis is one of those invasive species that are impossible to eradicate. The leaves will give a good yellow but it is the flowers that are more interesting because they give. This will happen a few weeks after flowering all the way up into the autumn.