Flower Called Cleome. Across 12-15 cm of sweetly fragrant rose-pink flowers with fascinating long stamens that protrude out giving them a spider-like look. The delicate pink rose purple white or bicolor spider-like flowers along with the spidery seedpods give it the common name spider flower.
Flower named for its tall leggy appearance and the shape of its leaves is a highly attractive flower that is sure to please even those suffering from arachnophobia. Definitely eye-catching this self-seeding annual will form a shrub when content. They may be bi-colored in pink or lilac colors.
An unusually striking plant that looks great in large drifts in the annual border.
Cleome is a vigorous hardy pest-free plant that has earned its reputation as a reliable cottage-garden staple. It is perennial in zones 10 and 11. Plants grow 4 feet tall and can branch out to 4 feet wide. They may be bi-colored in pink or lilac colors.