Bell Flower Ontario. Creeping bellflower occurs throughout Ontario in lawns gardens fence lines roadsides waste places and occasionally in cultivated fields. Campanula linifolia Campanula scheuchzeri French names.
Bellflowers come traditionally in pink blue lavender and white. If thats not enough creeping bellflower also regenerates by seed. A slender and tall perennial with lavender or blue flowers appearing in the summer and covering the upper stem.
11012014 In total there are exactly 9 species in the Campanulaceae native to Ontario.
Americana and Marsh Bellflower C. Wood Sage Yellow Birds Nest Giant and Peach-leaved Bellflower Ivy-leaved Bellflower Small Teasel Goldenrod Ploughmans Spikenard Heath Cudweed Sowbread Burdock Hemp Agr imony Narrow-lipped and Green-flowered Helleborine. 25032021 The plant is easily identified by its heart-shaped leaves and stalks of drooping bell-shaped blooms of lavender-blue. Campanula gets its common name from its charming bell-shaped flowers.